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Student-generated Communication Activities in an English for Specific Purposes Course

Designing English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses is a challenging task. The teacher often has to cope with time constraints, shortage of resources as well as his or her insufficient knowledge of a given field of study. Students enrolled in a course are often consulted about the source of materials for instruction. The process of developing ESP tasks can be made easier and less time-consuming by means of employing student-generated communication activities which draw on learner-based approaches to teaching.
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Mój „inny” lektorat – język angielski dla osób słabosłyszących i niesłyszących w UJ

W odpowiednio przystosowanej przestrzeni pracuje odpowiednio przeszkolony nauczyciel, czyli ja, w nieco innej roli niż na kursach ze studentami bez niepełnosprawności, na których jestem bardziej moderatorem, stymulując ich samodzielną pracę...
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Dwupodmiotowość w nauczaniu projektowym na lektoratach w szkole wyższej

The purpose of the paper is to show how the principle of dual agency, one of the key principles of autonomous language teaching/learning, can be opera- tionalized in a higher education context. The implementation of this principle facilitates an authentic dialog between a language teacher and his/her stu- dents. The quality of this dialog is determined by teacher autonomy, linked synergistically with student autonomy. An ideal environment for both parties to practice autonomy can be built through a project-based approach.
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